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All updates will be sent via email and posted on the CMPhub under Remote Latest Updates.

Latest Updates:




We just wanted to give an update how everything seems to be progressing, so here we go:


County Office Exemption

  • Bexar County has provided a description of business types exempt from closure.  Architectural Offices are indeed exempt provided social distancing is enforced.  To this end, CMP will remain mainly in remote work mode to help ensure the health and wellbeing of all of us.  With that said, if you need to come up to pick up prints, make copies, select color samples, etc… you can.  However, we are limiting the number of people here at any given time.  So, if you do need to come up, please coordinate with Liz and provide her with an estimate of how long you plan to be here.  She will need to confirm schedules and openings to maintain a minimal on-site staff.



  • Timesheets should be accessible now from your desktops as normal as long as you are connected to the VPN.  If you have issues connecting, please EMAIL Joseph and copy Ryan. Please do not copy all users as the email chain do become a little crazy.


Paychecks: Tuesday,  March 31st

  • With everyone working from home now, we need to coordinate getting paychecks out to everyone.  Choices:

    • Mail     If you would us to mail your check to your house, please send us confirmation of your home address. Please note that mail will take up between 2-3 days to deliver.

    • Curbside    We will be available to hand you your check curbside at the office between 1:30pm and 2pm, just drive to the front.

    • Delivery   If you are in an emergency situation and cannot leave and cannot wait for mail delivery, we can arrange to have your paycheck delivered to you.

  • Please email me and Laura  with your choice no later than Thursday at 5pm so we can coordinate. I will send a follow up email with the choices, just select and reply to all.


Remote VPN System

  • Everyone please give a big shout out to Joseph for helping us all out. He has been steadfast and remains in good spirits after being bombarded with all the issues needing ironed out.  We have had some trial and errors on the system, but have continued to refine and worked out most of the kinks.  We are continuing to work on reconfiguring the Autodesk licensing so that it remains upon restarting and logging in.  Be patient, it will get worked out.  As mentioned before, we have upped the Internet speed to 400x400 so accommodate the heavy traffic load.  This will ensure that you have maximum bandwidth on our end, but you will still be limited to your providers speed.


Sign In/Out

  • Please try and remember to sign in and out on your apps or computer so we know when you are working and not bother you when you are off.  You might hear these weird beeps from your phone in the morning, that is the asp reminding you to sign in if you have not already done so.   It really does help!


CMP Phone System

  • The phone system is generally working well. Calls are being answered. Calls are routing to your cell phones by extension.  You can call each other through the 3cx app by extension.  We found out that an office page rings all cell phones.  Not funny, don’t do it, we can track who did it Haha.  We will be verifying that voicemails make it to your email.


Well, that is it for this hour today.  Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. We will get through these temporary circumstances and be back together soon.






  • Moving to Remote:  Please for your time spent on disconnecting & moving your computer this will be “office time” for your timesheet.



  • Questions\Issues:  Hello everyone, just wanted to say please be patient as we work out all the kinks with the remote system. For now, please email both me and Joseph with any issue and we promise to get to you. But, it may take some time. Please look to the CMPhub (click CMPhub at bottom of, password Cmp216) for general help such as gotomeeting, vpn connection instructions, and other links. Hang in there!!



  • Connect our computer to your home internet and please leave computer on, Joseph will be connecting us – it will take time, please be patient.


  • Please text Joseph 956.231.9010 and Ryan 210.410.0635 if you have issues– and again please be patient since I bet we all text him at once. THANK YOU JOSEPH!!


  • FOR THOSE OF YOU NOT HERE – please email me and I will coordinate to have your computer dropped off.


  • IF YOU HAVE to take stuff home, please scan it on server so your team has it too & let them know.


  • Please coordinate with your team on a daily basis:


  • check for emails from your team so your coordinated,

  • save things on server just like you do at work etc.

  • document phone conversations by email and copy your team to keep them informed etc. 


  • Utilize sign in/out


  • Update your timesheet daily\


  • purely HR just like you do when we are at work. (if youre sick, on vacation at home, taking time off etc.)


  • If you have any questions call me, email, or text Liz 210.872.2391


  • We will update you on issuing checks.


  • You may want to/need to stop by periodically – please email/text & let me know so we can make sure we are following whatever they issue.  (LOL we might have to spread out and park at the side of the office building or in the back)


  • IF YOU HAVE to attend a site, please coordinate with your team first and use your best judgement & let me know if you have concerns OR better yet ask the GC to facetime and have them walk around etc.


  • We will be continuing our work as best we can.  I'm sure that there are things I didn’t think of that will come up, email me and we will figure it out and we can coordinate (ie. sample deliveries, printing at the office, etc.)


  • We thank you all for being patient and flexible in this strange time and want to be as proactive for all our families!!


  • Please take care of yourself and your families,  ðŸ˜‰



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